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Workshop: How to Thrive in Your Relationships

Belongingness and the need to feel accepted are a vital part of human existence, and hence we have relationships. Even the most independent of us cannot escape from a world that is inextricably interconnected.

Most of us would live in a world of relationships that consist of a network of family, social, work and romantic relationships. Do these relationships bring you joy, fulfilment, meaning and growth? Chances are, some do and some don’t. What matters is that the ones that are important to you do.

Because our interactions are not perfect, we face difficulties in relating, and our relationships are not perfect. We have needs that are not met, boundaries that are violated, unresolved matters and past hurts that might still be affecting us today, and tolerations that we put up with. This leads to us becoming resentful, indifferent, or resigned in our relationships. Yet how do we handle all of these challenges in the best way possible, and even work towards thriving in our relationships?

How to make a relationship work can be a mystery to many of us, which is why we can get confused, frustrated, or give up after a while and settle for whatever happens even if it isn’t heading towards our desired goal or purpose. We can also be in a relationship for so long that we’re no longer conscious of the workings of the relationship and patterns we might be running.

In this session, you’ll get a chance to do a relationship health check and get to work in areas that are not going great. We won’t be talking about stuff you already find in articles galore over the Internet and lifestyle magazines that expound on topics like honesty, trust, compassion, forgiveness, intimacy, or a sense of humor. Instead, we’ll take a deep dive into what goes on in your relationships that could be keeping you stuck or stagnant, and uncover the one key to getting out of unhealthy cycles that will leave you free and thriving in your relationships.

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Uncover your blindspots in your relationships

  • Find out what works and does not work in your relationships

  • Learn the relationship model that gives you and others the freedom to grow

  • Create an action plan to make your relationships thrive

This session is part of The Dwelling Challenge: Relationships series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!